Become a member

Sign up

Every Earth Scientist and seriously interested person can become a member of KNGMG. The annual membership fee is:

You can register online by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. To establish a corporate membership, please contact the KNGMG secretary.

Each member receives the Geo.brief (published 8 times a year) and the scientific journal Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geology and Mining (published quarterly). A membership runs from January 1 to December 31; notice of termination should be given three months before the end of the calendar year. After registration and payment for the first year you will receive a confirmation email, with the request to fill in a authorisation form. The KNGMG strongly prefers a direct debit since it saves us a lot of work. 


Registration form KNGMG member

Step 1 of 3

MM slash DD slash YYYY