Top 5 artikelen
Het aantal aardwetenschappelijke artikelen dat wekelijks verschijnt is enorm. Zelfs binnen 1 vakgebied is het soms al lastig om helemaal up-to-date te blijven omtrent de laatste ontwikkelingen. Dit geldt voor onderzoekers op de universiteit, maar in nog sterkere mate voor aardwetenschappers die buiten de universiteit actief zijn. Daarom is het KNGMG in 2020 een service gestart, waarbij wij topwetenschappers vragen om de Top 5 te geven van artikelen van de laatste jaren over een bepaald onderwerp. De nadruk moet hierbij liggen op open access artikelen. De artikelen worden zodanig geselecteerd dat ze een goed overzicht geven van de recente ontwikkelingen, maar toch ook voor de niet zeer ingewijde lezer begrijpelijk zijn.
Subduction zones (September 2022)
Professor Susanne Buiter
- Crameri et al. 2020. A transdisciplinary and community-driven database to unravel subduction zone initiation. Nature Communications 11.
2. Funiciello et al., 2020. Empirical Analysis of Global-Scale Natural Data and Analogue Seismotectonic Modelling Data to Unravel the Seismic Behaviour of the Subduction Megathrust. Frontiers in Earth Science
3. Hacker, 2008. H2O subduction beyond arcs, Geochemistry. Geophysics, Geosystems 9.
4. Goes et al., 2017. Subduction-transition zone interaction: A review. Geosphere 13, 644-664.
5. Kufner et al., 2021. The Hindu Kush slab break-off as revealed by deep structure and crustal deformation, Nature Communications 12.
Carbon Capture and Storage (Februari 2022)
Dr. Johannes Miocic
- Martin-Roberts et al., 2021. Carbon capture and storage at the end of a lost decade. One Earth 4, 11.
- Leung et al., 2014. An overview of current status of carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 39, 426–443.
- Rutqvist, J., 2012. The Geomechanics of CO2 Storage in Deep Sedimentary Formations. Geotech Geol Eng 30, 525–551.
- IPCC, 2005. IPCC Special report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. Cambridge University Press, New York, USA Cambridge, UK.
- Zahasky, C., Krevor, S., 2020. Global geologic carbon storage requirements of climate change mitigation scenarios. Energy & Environmental Science 13, 1561–1567.
Microtomografie (November 2021)
Dr. Alice Macente (University of Strathclyde)
- Withers et al., 2021. X-ray computed tomography. Nat Rev Methods Primers 1, 18.
- Marone et al., 2020. Resolved in situ X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy Unraveling Dynamic Processes in Geologic Systems. Earth Sci., 7, 1–20.
- Maire, E. and Withers, P.E., 2014. Quantitative X-ray tomography. Mater. Rev. 59, 1–43.
- Renard et al., 2019. Dynamic In Situ Three-Dimensional Imaging and Digital Volume Correlation Analysis to Quantify Strain Localization and Fracture Coalescence in Sandstone. Pure Appl. Geophys. 176, 1083–1115.
- Du Plessis, A. and Boshoff, W.P., 2019. A review of X-ray computed tomography of concrete and asphalt construction materials. Build. Mater.199, 637–651.
Deze laatste is niet open-access, maar toch toegevoegd vanwge zijn relevantie. Opvraagvaar bij de auteur of via Dr. Alice Macente.
Doggerland (juni 2021)
Dr. Luc Amkreutz
- Peeters, H. and L. Amkreutz, 2020. The Netherlands: Probing into the Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology, Landscapes and Palaeontology of the Dutch Continental Shelf, in: G. Bailey, N. Galanidou, H. Peeters, H. Jöns, M. Mennenga (eds), The archeology of Europe’s Drowned Landschapes. Coastal Research Library, vol 35.
- Gaffney et al., 2020. Multi-Proxy Characterisation of the Storegga Tsunami and Its Impact on the Early Holocene Landscapes of the Southern North Sea. Geosciences.
- Cohen et al., 2017. The North Sea. In: N.C. Flemming, J. Harff, D. Moura, A. Burgess en G.N. Bailey, Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf: Quaternary Paleoenvironments. Opvraagbaar via
- Niekus et al., 2019. Middle Paleolithic complex technology and Neandertal tar-backed tool from the Dutch North Sea. PNAS.
- Van der Plicht et al., 2016. Surf ‘n Turf in Doggerland: Dating, stable isotopes and diet of Mesolithic human remains from the southern North Sea. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports. Opvraagbaar via
Bezoek ook de Doggerland tentoonstelling in het Rijksmuseum voor Oudheden!
Vulkanen (februari 2021)
Dr. Tobias Schmiedel
- Lindsay and Robertson, 2018. Integrating Volcanic Hazard Data in a Systematic Approach to Develop Volcanic Hazard Maps in the Lesser Antilles. Frontiers in Earth Sciece.
- Naismith et al., 2020. Fireside tales: understanding experiences of previous eruptions and factors influencing the decision to evacuate from activity of Volcán de Fuego. Volcanica.
- Farquharson and Amelung, 2020. Extreme rainfall triggered the 2018 rift eruption at Kīlauea Volcano. Nature. GEEN open access, maar verkrijgbaar via dr. Tobias Schmiedel.
- Craig Magee et al., 2018. Magma Plumbing Systems: A Geophysical Perspective. Journal of Petrology.
- Kennedy et al., 2020. Pressure Controlled Permeability in a Conduit Filled with Fractured Hydrothermal Breccia Reconstructed from Ballistics from Whakaari (White Island), New Zealand. Geosciences.
Als het laatste artikel interesse opwekt, lees dan het bonusartikel met meer technische detail:
Wadsworth et al., 2021. A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
Aardbevingen (december 2020)
Dr. André Niemeijer
- Terakawa et al, 2020. Three‐Dimensional Pore Fluid Pressures in Source Region of 2017 Pohang Earthquake Inferred From Earthquake Focal Mechanisms. Geophysical Research Letters.
- Kwiatek et al, 2019. Controlling fluid-induced seismicity during a 6.1-km-deep geothermal stimulation in Finland. Science Advances.
- Ando and Kaneko, 2018. Dynamic Rupture Simulation Reproduces Spontaneous Multifault Rupture and Arrest During the 2016 Mw 7.9 Kaikoura Earthquake.Geophysical Research Letters.
- McClaskey and Yamashita, 2017. Slow and fast ruptures on a laboratory fault controlled by loading characteristics. Geophysical Research Letters.
- Van den Ende et al, 2020. Rheological Transitions Facilitate Fault‐Spanning Ruptures on Seismically Active and Creeping Faults. JGR Solid Earth.
Het laatste artikel is geen open acces, maar te verkrijgen via André Niemeijer.
Zand (september 2020)
Prof. dr. Vera van Lancker
- Koehnken L, Rintoul MS, Goichot M, Tickner D, Loftus A-C, Acreman MC. (2020). Impacts of riverine sand mining on freshwater ecosystems: A review of the scientific evidence and guidance for future research. River Research and applications.
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2014). Sand, Rarer Than One Thinks. Global Environmental Alert Service (GEAS).
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2019). Sand and Sustainability: Finding New Solutions for Environmental Governance of Global Sand Resources.
- Van Lancker, V., Bonne, W., Uriarte, A., & Collins, M. B. (2010). European Marine Sand and Gravel Resources, Evaluation and Environmental Impact of Extraction. Journal of Coastal Research
- Rijkswaterstaat. Zandtekort. Lichtkogel.
Geen open access maar wel een must read voor op het nachtkastje: Beiser, V. (2018). The world in a grain: The story of sand and how it transformed civilization. New York, United States: Riverhead Books.
Planetaire geologie (juli 2020)
Dr. Tjalling de Haas
- Carr & Head (2010). The geological history of Mars. Earth and Planetary Science letters.
- Conway et al. (2019). Martian gullies: a comprehensive review of observations, mechanisms and insights from Earth analogues. Geological Society, London, Special Publications.
- De Haas et al. (2019). Initiation and Flow Conditions of Contemporary Flows in Martian Gullies. JGR Planets
- Radebaugh et al. (2016). Alluvial and fluvial fans on Saturn’s moon Titan. Geological Society, London, Special Publication.
- Blair & McPherson (2009): Processes and Forms of Alluvial Fans. Geomorphology of Desert Environments.
Zeespiegelprojecties en de rol van Antarctica (februari 2020)
Professor Roderik van de Wal
- Oppenheimer, M. et al. (2020). Sea Level Rise and Implications for Low Lying Islands, Coasts, and Communities. IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
- IMBIE. (2018). Mass balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 1992 to 2017. Nature.
- Pattyn, F. (2018). The paradigm shift in Antarctic ice sheet modelling. Nature Communications
- DeConto, R.M. and D. Pollard (2016). Contribution of Antarctica to past and future sea level rise. Nature
- Slangen, A. B. A. et al (2014). Projecting twenty-first century regional sea-level changes. Climatic Change
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