The employment survey of the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) aims at analysing in which industries professional geologists work, if their professional activities relate to their academic training, if they exploit the job opportunities in other European countries and which are the prospects for the future.
The information that will be gathered through this survey is very valuable for EFG, for its national professional associations, and for individual geologists:
- It gives geologists a better overview of their labour opportunities in Europe, helping them to construct their studies and careers;
- It allows professional associations to offer better services to members, helping them to find jobs and supporting the mentor program for young professionals;
- It provides evidence for professional associations to pursue the policy dialogue with universities and education authorities improving the training of geologists.
Filling the survey will take approximately 10 minutes. All questions are optional and the answers will be analysed in an anonymous way.
Please complete the survey before 22 June. You can access it at the following link.