KNGMG Noord: Lezing november

KNGMG kring Noord november lezing heeft als onderwerp:
Trinidad – all geology is there” en wordt gepresenteerd door professor Harry Doust (VU, Amsterdam).

Zoals gewoonlijk vindt de lezing plaats in het hoofdgebouw van de NAM, Schepersmaat 2 te Assen vanaf 16:30 uur.

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Presentatie samenvatting:
The island of Trinidad, situated at the south-eastern corner of the Caribbean Sea has, in spite of its small size, punched well above its weight throughout the history of our science. Why is this? Well, from the 16th century onwards it has captured the attention of natural scientists (Sir Francis Drake and Alexander von Humboldt amongst others) and, from the beginning of the 20th century, generations of outstanding petroleum exploration geologists. Their success made Trinidad a hugely important strategic source of petroleum in the early part of the century, not least during World-War II. Among the most creative and celebrated of geologists to have  worked there were Hans Kugler and Hans Bolli who, in the post-war years made ground-breaking advances in stratigraphic correlation based on planktonic foraminifera, which they then applied to interpreting the complex subsurface structure. In their hands Trinidad became a classic geological laboratory, producing innovative concepts, many of which were years ahead of their time.  What impresses the new-comer is how closely structural and stratigraphic developments are linked. Following Mesozoic to Early Tertiary rifting and passive margin cycles, Late Tertiary to Quaternary development has been dominated by compression and wrenching as the eastward progressing collision zone between the South American and Caribbean plates reached the area. As a result we see a whole range of geologically young tectonic and sedimentary features, freshly served for us on a plate. In this talk I will review the basin evolution in its regional context and, making use of subsurface interpretations based on surface geology and well data from petroleum exploration, examine the variety of basin types seen in the country and its surrounding offshore area. Naturally, we will not forget to highlight Trinidad’s most famous landmark, the La Brea pitch lake.

Over de spreker:
Harry graduated from Imperial College in London with a PhD based on field work carried out in the Sahara desert in Libya. He then joined Shell for a career that lasted 33 years, with jobs varying from field work (eastern Turkey), well-sitting (Oman), team leader (Malaysia), chief geologist (Nigeria) and several postings in The Netherlands to work on new ventures, geological studies and, towards the end, as a technical and business process consultant. On retirement in he embarked on a second life as honorary professor of regional and petroleum geology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. This, together with teaching at other universities (Utrecht, Malaysia, Suriname) and to several state and private E & P organisations, he has been doing with the greatest pleasure for the past almost 20 years – and continues to do. This lecture arises from accompanying students from Suriname on field excursions to Trinidad.


nov 06 2018


16:30 - 18:00


NAM, Assen
Schepersmaat 2


Kring Noord
oktober 2024
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