Kring Noord KNGMG: lezing februari

KNGMG kring Noord febuari lezing heeft als onderwerp:
“Gold and Silver Mining, Different Extraction Methods and Examples from the Author’s working experience (mainly South America)”. De lezing wordt gepresenteerd door Ben Suringar (Mining Engineer).

Zoals gewoonlijk vindt de lezing plaats in het hoofdgebouw van de NAM, Schepersmaat 2 te Assen. Vanaf 16:30 uur staan soft drinks en snacks klaar bij de ‘’Gehoorzaal’ (2J.05).

KNGMG-leden zijn van harte welkom om onze lezingen bij te wonen! Als u geïnteresseerd bent, graag in de voorgaande week aanmelden door een e-mail te sturen naar


After introductory remarks on physical characteristics, minerals, mineral processing and economic impact, the author will explain the four main methods to treat ores of gold and silver. These are gravity concentration, amalgamation, froth flotation and cyanide leaching. The methods will be illustrated with photos taken by the author during his career in mining and engineering in Latin America and other parts of the world. Note this presentation will take place in the Gehoorzaal, for optimum projection of the photos.

About the presenter:

Ben Suringar holds a degree in mining engineering from TH Delft and in mining geology from Exeter University, UK. He has worked in a variety of functions of generally increasing responsibility related to the production of coal, explosives, gemstones, lead, zinc, silver and gold, mainly in the Americas. Highlights of his career include working as:

  • Miner in an underground coal mine in Virginia,
  • Technical sales representative for a US explosives company,
  • Production engineer at a gold-dredging operation in Alaska,
  • Owner-operator of a gold cyanidation plant in Ecuador,
  • Senior designer for a metallurgical engineering company in the US,
  • General manager of a hi-grade underground silver mine in Argentina,
  • Construction manager at a large silver mine built in Guatemala, and
  • Manager of engineering during design and construction of an important underground gold mine in Colombia.


feb 04 2020


16:30 - 18:00


NAM, Assen
Schepersmaat 2


Kring Noord
oktober 2024
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