Kring Noord KNGMG: lezing januari

KNGMG kring Noord januari lezing heeft als onderwerp:
“Education in Earth Sciences: Past, Present and Future”. De lezing wordt gepresenteerd door Prof. Hans de Bresser (RU Utrecht).

Zoals gewoonlijk vindt de lezing plaats in het hoofdgebouw van de NAM, Schepersmaat 2 te Assen. Vanaf 16:30 uur staan soft drinks en snacks klaar bij de ‘Gele Kamer’ (2J.04).

KNGMG-leden zijn van harte welkom om onze lezingen bij te wonen! Als u geïnteresseerd bent, graag in de voorgaande week aanmelden door een e-mail te sturen naar


We will start in the past, at the end of the seventies, when courses of the geology programme were called Sedimentology, Economical Geology, Mineralogy and Geological Geometry. When field work was introduced as: “Here is the area, sort it out, we’ll see you in a week”. When getting help with study problems was a problem in itself.  And when the overall message was: “Even if you finish the study, it will be pretty hard to find a job”.
At present day, courses have titles as System Earth, Structure and Properties of Earth Materials, Quaternary Climate and Global Change, and Structural Analysis of Deformed rocks. Field work has well-defined intended learning outcomes, mentoring and tutoring systems are in place to guide students through their study path, and graduates can be found back in a wide variety of jobs all over the world. The strategic agenda for the future comprises themes as interdisciplinary education, sustainability for a better future, life long learning, diversity, and community service learning. We feel confident that we educate Earth Scientists that will address the challenges that face society. The presentation will move from past and present course programmes, via the geological field work of today, touching on quality assurance issues and the Earth Sciences teaching and learning environment, to expectations of the future. Your feedback and input will be asked along the way!

About the presenter:

Hans de Bresser is a professor in Teaching and Learning in Earth Sciences at Utrecht University. He is a structural geologist from background, with a focus in research on experimental rock deformation and the development of microstructures, in particular in calcite materials, rock salt and ice. He teaches in the bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes at Utrecht, including teaching in the south-Spanish field.  He has been the director of Education of the Earth Sciences programmes in Utrecht for many years, and he currently serves as the Vice-dean of Education at the Faculty of Geosciences.


jan 07 2020


16:30 - 18:00


NAM, Assen
Schepersmaat 2


Kring Noord
oktober 2024
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