Kring Noord KNGMG: lezing november
KNGMG kring Noord lezing heeft als onderwerp:
“Log Correlation using the Briggs Colour Cube”. De lezing wordt gepresenteerd door Jan Lutgert
De lezingen zullen voorlopig online worden gegeven van 17:00 tot 18:00 uur. Als u deel wilt nemen aan de lezing kunt u zich aanmelden via een e-mail naar U krijgt vervolgens een Microsoft Teams link voor om de presentatie te kunnen volgen.
Sometimes during a reservoir study we come across a technique that makes us reconsider the way we routinely do our work. In this case I am referring to tasks such as geological correlation, the detection of litho-stratigraphic boundaries and the upscaling of reservoir properties. The Briggs Color Cube transformation is an elegant, yet simple, example of such a qualitative technique that provides visual guidelines in performing each of these tasks.
On the internet, the Schlumberger glossary defines the Color Cube transformation as: “A system for color-coding three-dimensional information. This system uses well logs to provide color shading in which the final color is determined by the values of three curves. One curve dictates the intensity of red, a second the intensity of green, and the third the intensity of blue. The final resulting color is the result of the three input curves”.
The presentation will explain how this transformation works in real life and also will show many practical examples how this technique can be put to use. In particular, emphasis will be given how it supports the decision making process on where we consider subsurface properties to be “equivalent”, “sufficiently similar” or “distinct”.
About the speaker:
Jan Lutgert worked for TNO as a geoscientist from 1987 until 2010. Assignments involved geological and petrophysical R&D studies, advisory work for the MEA and international consultancy. From 2010 to 2018 he worked for Energie Beheer Nederland dominantly focusing on and hydrocarbon exploration, the de-risking of tight reservoirs and reservoir unitization. He retired in 2018 and currently he enjoys parttime lecturing petrophysics at the University of Amsterdam and the Anton de Kom University in Surinam (S.Am.).