Kring Noord KNGMG: lezing november

KNGMG kring Noord november lezing heeft als onderwerp:
Applying Oil and Gas Workflows to Geothermal Development in the Netherlands“. De lezing wordt gepresenteerd door Eilard Hoogerduijn Strating (Development Manager Shell Geothermal, NAM, Assen).

Zoals gewoonlijk vindt de lezing plaats in het hoofdgebouw van de NAM, Schepersmaat 2 te Assen. Vanaf 16:30 uur staan soft drinks en snacks klaar bij de ‘Gele Kamer’ (2J.04).

KNGMG-leden zijn van harte welkom om onze lezingen bij te wonen! Als u geïnteresseerd bent, graag in de voorgaande week aanmelden door een e-mail te sturen naar


The geothermal industry in the Netherlands is a relatively young new energy business. The first geothermal projects were initiated by mainly entrepreneurs in the glass house farming industry. As part of the 2019 Dutch Climate Accord, the translation of the Paris COP targets to the Netherlands, a significant potential for geothermal energy has been identified providing renewable heat to both the glass house industry (supplying up to 60% of the demand) and district heating networks (supplying up to 35% of the demand).
It is generally recognized that there are many work practices and experiences in the oil and gas industry that will be of direct benefit for the realizing the geothermal potential in the Netherlands. In this presentation several of those work practices will be discussed. In particular:

  • Play base exploration and portfolio management
  • Static and Dynamic reservoir modeling
  • Urban and Field development planning
  • Well design optimisation

About the presenter:

Eilard Hoogerduijn Strating graduated from the University of Utrecht with a MSc in Structural and Applied Geology (1986) and a PhD in Structural Geology (1991). Later he also obtained a MBA from Henley Management College (1999). He joined Shell Exploration and Production in 1991 where he covered positions in Exploration, R&D, Business Planning, Production & Development and New Energies. He worked in the Netherlands, Oman, Egypt and the USA. He returned to the Netherlands in 2010 as Chief Production Geologist for Europe and later in NAM as Development Manager for the Onshore Netherlands. He was closely involved with societal discussion on the Groningen induced seismicity and the changing societal sentiment regarding gas and oil in the NL energy mix. Since 2015 he is part of a team that is shaping the changing role of Shell Upstream in the Energy Transition. In that context he was involved in scoping the renewable heat supply for the build environment in the 2018 NL national Climate Accord and is currently the Development Manager for Shell Geothermal.


nov 05 2019


16:30 - 18:00


NAM, Assen
Schepersmaat 2


Kring Noord
oktober 2024
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