Lezingenmiddag palynologische kring 22 juni

De eerstvolgende lezingenmiddag van de Palynologische Kring, zal op 22 juni plaatsvinden in Amsterdam met als thema ‘Climate change’.

Het programma staat hieronder weergegeven, in het Engels. De dag zal plaatsvinden op het IBED (Universiteit van Amsterdam, locatie Science Park).

The next lectures organized by the Palynological Association will be held in Amsterdam on June 22nd themed ‘Climate change’. The lectures will be held at the IBED (University of Amsterdam, location Science Park). The promising program wil be as follows:

Thursday 22 June ‘Climate change’

Room G.210 IBED/UvA

13.00-15.30 Lectures:

Eric Grimm: A high-resolution record of hydrologic variability, vegetation, and fire from the Northern Great Plains, North America
Suzette Flantua: Assembling the biogeographic history of the Northern Andes – A multi-proxy approach
Carina Hoorn: The Amazon at sea: Onset and stages of the Amazon River from a marine record, with special reference to Neogene plant turnover in the drainage basin
Keith Richards: Why did the Arctic seal, Phoca hispida, become land-locked in the Caspian Sea 2.6 million years ago? : palynology and foraminifera explain how

16:00-17:00 ‘Institute Seminar’ by Jonathan Overpeck (on invitation by Will Gosling)

17:00-18:00 Seminar drinks



jun 22 2017


13:00 - 18:00


Science Park
Sciencepark 904
oktober 2024
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