Mini-symposium palynologie UU 17 november
Op 17 november zal op de Universiteit Utrecht een palynologisch mini-symposium plaatsvinden ter ere van de promotie van Kees Nooren.
Uitgebreide informatie is hieronder in het Engels te vinden.
English version:
Mini‐symposium for the occasion of the PhD defence of Kees Nooren
13:30 Welcome by Prof. Dr Hans Middelkoop (DFG‐UU)
13:35 Introduction ‐ a tropical adventure with Kees Nooren, Dr Wim Hoek (DFG‐UU)
13:50 Columbus’ footprint: European environmental impacts on Hispaniola, Prof. Dr Henry Hooghiemstra (University of Amsterdam)
14:10 Tephra studies in palaeoenvironmental research and historical climatology, Prof. Dr Christine Lane (University of Cambridge, UK)
14:30 Environmental change and ancient human impact in the Maya Lowlands at the
Usumacinta River, Dr Elisabeth Solleiro (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
14:50 Long term variability in Mexican climate: insolation, ice sheets and other drivers, Prof. Dr Sarah Metcalfe (University of Nottingham, UK)
15:10 Holocene evolution of the Tabasco delta ‐ Mexico; impact of climate, volcanism and humans, Ir. Kees Nooren (DFG‐UU)
15:30 Closure and preparation for the formal defence ceremony (starting at 16:15 sharp)