Postponed: PGK YP: excursion Boulonnais
The current situation around the COVID-19 pandemic demands that we cancel all PGK meetings up to 1 June, following the measures and guidelines issued by the Dutch authorities. We aim to reschedule all events to later in the year.
Dear PGK YP enthusiast!
The registration for our 2020 YP field trip is now open! Pack your hammer and baguette and join us from the 15-17th of May 2020 in the Boulonnais region, between Calais and Boulogne-sur-Mer. This area is world famous for its impressive cliffs, seafood and ammonites. Pick and choose what you find most important but you will get some of all of it.
We will be joined by expert geologist guides who know this area as their ‘broekzak’. We will stay in modern apartments close to the sea and the price estimate is 200-250 euro (transport, accommodation, food included).
To register, please send an email to We hope to see you there!