Wederom een droevig bericht: penningdrager Ken Glennie is overleden.
Please find below arrangements for Professor Glennie’s funeral and a donation site, if you should wish to make a contribution. The funeral service will be at 10am Wednesday 11th December at Baldarroch Crematorium, Crathes, AB315JL. Ken’s family will host a gathering after the service; all welcome.
If you would like to attend either the service and/or the gathering, please RSVP to me (Caroline) by Wednesday December 4th so numbers can be gauged. Address for the gathering will be confirmed once numbers are known.
Ken’s Grandson, Alick, has set up a go-fund me site for the local Alzheimers day-care center where Ken enjoyed many happy hours. If you would like to contribute, please use this link.
————-original notification————
It is with great sadness we inform you that Professor Kenneth Glennie passed away on Saturday 23rd November, 2019.
Ken was a legend in geological circles. His career with Shell spanned 31 years from 1954 and saw him engaged in postings stretching from New Zealand, India, Arctic Canada and Oman – the latter where he is still revered as the Father of Omani Geology for his seminal work on the mapping of the Oman Mountains and the development of aeolian sedimentology. Later in his Shell career Ken was instrumental in developing the JAPEC Petroleum Geology of the North Sea course, which became the standard reference text for those working the province.
After retiring in 1986, Ken moved back to his ancestral home in Aberdeenshire where he became Honorary Professor at Aberdeen University and if anything, life became even busier supervising students, giving lectures and consulting along with a healthy dose of field work to help satiate his ever curious mind.
Ken’s deep expertise was recognized in both academic and industry circles and he was the recipient of many geological awards, including the Geological Society of London’s William Smith Medal and the AAPG’s Sidney Powers Memorial Award. An interview published in 2014 provides further detail on this inspirational career (see link here) alongside an interview with Ken in this series of AAPG podcasts.
Not only was Ken an eminent geologist but also a true gentleman. Whatever the scientific difference of opinion, he treated his colleagues with the utmost respect. He was a humble man built of steely integrity. We have lost a giant.
Ken passed away after a short illness, with his daughter and son-in-law by his side. Funeral arrangements will be circulated once known. Ken was tremendously proud to be associated with Shell and all geological colleagues are welcomed by Ken’s family.
Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.
Liz & Caroline