On May 27th 2021 KNGMG and CITG hosted a symposium about Critical Minerals and Metals for New Energy. Critical raw materials are essential resources for the construction of technologies such as wind turbines, magnets, solar panels and batteries. This symposium covered the mineral and metal requirements, supply risks and impacts for renewable energy and storage technologies. Because of corona-regulations no public was allowed, but people could follow the symposium via a livestream. This livestream is currently still available via Exposure Delft.
We all enjoyed the different presentations and are grateful that all presenters have agreed to share their slides:
- Michael van der Meer (Science Centre Delft) – The Mineralogical Geological Museum
- Mike Buxton (TUDelft) – Mining’s Role in the Transition to a Clean Energy Future
- Irina Patrahau (HCSS) – Securing Critical Materials for Critical Sectors
- Bob Hoogendoorn (KNGMG) – Agenda, panel discussion
The symposium was also used to say goodbye to the old mining building “Mijnbouw” of TU Delft which was built in 1912 with more than 100 years of history. The Mineralogical-Geological Museum (MGM) will be relocated. The building was honoured in the presentation of Michael, but also in a KNGMG/TUDelft documentary about the building, issued on May 23rd 2021. An additional documentary titled: “Het Mineralogisch-Geologisch Museum, Delft: Paradijs voor Mijnbouwers en Geologen. 1864-2021.” has been issued on July 15th 2021.