The video below is a summary of the succesful Future of Sand symposium. This symposium was held 30 November 2020 and shed light on the different aspects of the usage of sand: awareness, responsible sourcing, availability and practice. The sympsosium was held in a hybrid way: partly online and partly in real live.
Order of appearance on the video:
(0:00) Pascal Peduzzi (UNEP/GRID-Geneva)
(4:34) Ian Selby(Sustainable Earth Institute, University of Plymouth)
(6:10) Arnaud van der Velpen (UNEP/GRID-Geneva)
(10:26) Vera Van Lanckert (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences/Ghent University)
(11:43) Peter Kraal (NIOZ)
(12:38) Denise Maljers (TNO – Geological Survey of the Netherlands)
(14:00) Quirijn Lodder (Rijkswaterstaat/TUDelft)
(15:20) Maarten Kleinhans (University of Utrecht)
(18:01) Fred Snel (Teunesen Zand & Grint bv)
(21:43) Thomas Vijverberg (Boskalis)
(23:43) Jasper Hugtenburg (ARK natuurontwikkeling)
(23:33) Vince Beiser (Journalist and Author of “The World in a Grain”)
Two contributors were not included in the video impression due to sound quality in the recording:
- Ad Stolk (Rijkswaterstaat) spoke about marine sand extraction in NW Europe. Ad shed some light on the work of the ICES working group on the Effects of Extraction of Marine Sediment on the Marine Ecosystem. He also highlighted the work by EMSAGG (European Marine Sand and Gravel Group) as a forum for information exchange.
- Ankie Bruens (Deltares) chaired panel discussions on the themes of Responsible sourcing and Awareness.
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